What is a Toxic Relationship?

A toxic relationship is when it "eats" your mentality and well-being until eventually, it exhausts you physically too.

        Being toxic is always bad and we are very vulnerable to it. And it is very easy to fall into being a toxic person, because being toxic always seems to be the easiest way to be when life is tough and you really want someone to stay and just be there for you. So be careful, watch out for toxic people in your life. We can't run from them nor avoid them forever, but we can stand for ourselves to not fall victim for it. 
        Toxic relationships are mostly occurs between families, lovers, and friends. On rarer occasions, it can also happen in social media, workplaces, and public spaces between strangers. For example, dealing with problematic customers or being attacked on social media (cyberbullied). These are also toxic relationships even with strangers, and it's very rare to harm you deeply and long enough. However, cyberbullying has been increasingly concerning in recent years, especially for celebrities and public figures.

1. Toxic Family

    A toxic family is when your family is demanding too much while not supporting you enough and takes it further by attacking you mentally in a way that brings you down to exhaust you. It's like when you're not being supported to achieve your dreams by killing it in the bud. A family is considered toxic when not only they don't support you but also attack you with their words and acts, directly or not. In many cases, this toxic behaviors can eventually lead to domestic violence.

2. Toxic Friend

    Toxic friends are almost the same as toxic family. They attack you mentally and often play victims when called out just to makes you stay. In a way, these toxic friends can be considered energy vampires or simply parasites, that can't live without shooting people down whenever. It just that, different from toxic family, toxic friend will pretend to care and support you, and then shoot down your ideas, personalities, or opinions. In this case, toxic family are more honest though neither are good. 

3. Toxic Lover

    Toxic lover can be considered the worst and also the easiest to spot. Toxic lover is the combination of toxic friend and family, they're like the upgraded version of possessive lover. While toxic lover will makes you feel loved and cared for, they will also manipulate you to change into their liking. And the way they're manipulating can be so sweet, indirect, and loving by saying "it's for you" or "it's for us". Sometimes they'll also make use of your weakness to control you. Their personalities are mostly consist of selfish, possessive, manipulative, sociopath, and obsessive. And those personalities combined with other personalities no matter how nice it is, will still make a person toxic. The worst thing about it is when they play victim at the end to make you feel that you matter to them and could possibly change them into a better person. But I'm sorry, the will not change, not because of you. If they do change, it must be because they want it for themselves. 



God to Me

Self Manipulation