
Showing posts from May, 2016


We already now about data manipulating as an ability, and it's actually kinda hard to do. Of course it's also hard to train, unless you have that as gift by God. Data manipulating is something that should've been known commonly. But for the manipulating it self, we just know how it should be and not how's it "exactly" be done. It's kinda complicated and hard to understand, since well manipulating is really hard, and it could become harder depending on the person who do it and the manipulating scale (big/medium/small). I don't know if there's someplace somewhere in some country/nation that teach how to manipulating data in school or other learning place. Manipulating data it self is important to some system, workplace, or such. Manipulating data could be good or bad at the same time since it's nature is to "change" the data itself. Changing the data of something means changing the result as well, even if it just changed slightly di...

My Traditional Artworks

I've posted my digital artworks before, now it's my traditional artworks. I still am an aspiring artist, so it's understandable that there'll be flaws on these. And keep in mind that I love to draw everything that I could draw, especially The Nature and how things naturally looked like . My art is naturalism.

What Kind of Game that I want?

This is just my opinion personally, since I am also a gamer, I'm not a hardcore (or really active) player though. To me gaming is fun, really fun, but unfortunately the system kinda makes it boring since the events and quests keeps on repeating (even if it's not 100% the same as before). I admitted that I always easily bored over something once I know it repeated again and again on the system, I guess I can say "I'm fed up with it". But well I keep on playing some of my games, even though I think it's boring already, mainly because of my friends in that game. I just enjoy the moment of talking with my guild-mates or with my gaming friends since all (about 95%) of them usually from overseas. It's always hard for me to love a game for more than 2 weeks, but some could makes me love it until one month or more. And from all those game, only the RPG ones could make me play it for more than one month, until I've mastered it and have done all the kind...

My Digital Art

Seni di masa purba, manusia membuat lukisan di dinding gua (rumahnya). Kemudian masuk pada zaman Renaissace (di Eropa), banyak lukisan dibuat diatas kanvas, kertas, dan media seni lainnya. Mengikuti perkembangannya, sekarang seni bisa dibuat secara digital dengan menggunakan aplikasi android atau iOS (Apple). Here's some of my digital artworks, created with ArtFlow android app on my tablet from app store.

Artificial Heart

Kita sudah mengetahui mengenai AI ( Artificial Intelegence ),  humandroid, dan lain sebagainya dari banyak sekali film bergenre Sci-Fi atau Action, sebut saja Terminator salah satunya. Pada masa sekarang hal-hal seperti itu sudah bisa dihadirkan dalam dunia nyata, walaupun tidak sesempurna yang ada di dalam film. Teknolohi artificial sendiri juga telah dikembangkan sejak lama. Salah satu produk artificial yang telah lama ada adalah Artificial Heart .

Hoverboard in Reality

We've heard about hoverboard for so many times on movies, especially SciFi movies. And now, with human's current technology, the idea of hoverboard could become reality and pressent in our world.  more...